Lviv better seen at night

Hey guys. I have been to Lviv this January and my opinion is: it opens its beauty mostly at night.

Just look at this soldier with a cellphone. So many questions about what he has been doing here… It was 31 of December and he just stands and texting in this strange old-fashion uniform.

This guy just sits here and invites you to join him and observes the nightlife of Lviv.

That’s how the entrance of an ordinary club looks like.

Lviv is famous for its huge amount of catholic churches and cathedrals. They look gorgeous and proudly exactly at night. Just look at these photos.

I live in Ukraine and all the cities here are alike. But Lviv is not like the others. It’s like Poland or the Czech cities. This stone road… Looks nice but it’s not really convenient to wobble on it when riding.

Horses. Nothing unusual, but look nice at night.

and some more impressive photos from night Lviv

Ok, and now for comparing this city at daylight:

Not bad, but there is no fairy tale anymore. So my advice, if you will be here, go for a walk at night.

Sorry for poor English, wish you guys the best impressions in your travel!


Hi @Nastya_Boiko .

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Спасибо, что поделились с нами вашими впечатлениями о Львове! Это очень красивый и самобытный город!

Хорошего дня!

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Lviv is a beautiful old city, has wonderful architecture conserved for centuries. I believe the “old fashioned soldier” is not a soldier but one of the staff of “Kryivka”; a 2nd world war themed bar and restaurant which is built on an old military shelter, The entrance is hidden, and an old fashioned soldier asks a password for entrance. If you tell him the password (don’t worry, he will tell you eventually) he will admit you inside and offer you a shot of honey liqueur. Inside, you will see lots of original antique stuff, weapons etc belonging to 2nd world war era.

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