My name is Salman Latif , I am from Pakistan and the topic have chosen is “My favorite place and why
do I like it”
I love aviation since childhood and that’s why I love capturing aircraft when they are floating through
the air and are able to stay afloat with all those heavy things inside it like people, fuel, cargo and of
course the various forms of entertainment now available. Whenever I look at the aircraft and runways I
always get fascinated by flying.
To be free from the embrace of gravity, even for a moment, is an exhilarating experience. Man, since
time immemorial, have longed to be like the birds, able to soar through the sky and being able to do
what earthbound man could not, that is flying.
Aviation has always fascinated me and I had always dreamt of flying but and when I was not able to fly
an aero plane I started capturing the places wherever I see a plane.