Love potatoes? In the field or on the plate?

Potatoes were first grown at around 8000 B.C to 5000 B.C in the world. It has been a major cash crop in many countries. Asian countries are among the largest potato producers in the world (China being at the top).

Nutritionally, a raw potato is more than 70% water and remaining are carbohydrate, fiber, sugar, protein and mineral.

May be the potato’s flexibility of bearing great taste even when boiled to deep fried, is sometimes said as king of vegetables.

It is the season of potato cultivation in Nepal. Few pics of potato cultivation:

Potato dish made by mashing potato with some spices; making chunks and deep frying:

Cheers to all potato lovers!!


Never been to a potato field nor do I know how to identify one.

Thank you for sharing a wonderful topic with photos @Emon_Dhungana

I would add that boiling potatoes to perfection is an art in itself too :sweet_potato:

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Plates, please @Emon_Dhungana

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