Hi everyone it’s your local guide reviewer DAWGYSTYLING im writing a post of my favorite review it’s the kapolei oahu Hawaii home Depot Talk about love from the locals I was hurting for work and I knew being a plumbing contractor for years and lost see to my divorce I go stand at contractors area and see if I could get any?? Everywhere in this country your not aloud to stand on home Depot property and solicit but I thought well since I’m a active pro contractor and stand in pro area and say I’m talking pro stuff ill be ok??well to my surprise and everyday u got there at 6 am I was the only one doing this it really told me that maybe I wasn’t aloud too but one morning sercurty and management came out to me and I thought it was over ?? I was preparing to leave the area but instead they shook my hand and said way to go ?? I thought wow the universe was on my side and so I continued to be there every morning and when I wasn’t there I had work still from previous day still until I didn’t show up I had found food steady job with a great company . When I went back months later the works there for home Depot came up and said they miss me outside and told me you sure got a lot of persistence ?? Of course they was right. Thank you kaploia home Depot you truely are the best the number 1 home Depot in America that loves all people and a heart that you only get by being a local. Mahalo !!!