Love for Italian Food- A tale of Pasta alle Vongole

Hello Everyone, I’m Qurat Ul Ain, and I belongs to a city called City of Wrestlers, And another reason for the fame of this city is the immense love for food here,

Yes, your guess is right. I’m from Gujranwala, Pakistan , but now live in Islamabad .

So as a resident of a food-loving city, I also love to try several types of food, Pakistani, Indian, Continental, Thai, Chinese, but

But what I like most is Italian food. This is the only cuisine. I not only love to eat, but I also enjoy preparing it.

Italy is recognized after its history, art, architecture, fashion, and Italian cuisine. Italian cuisine bears a unique identity in the world and the reasons could be many. One important factor is the use of natural ingredients and fresh produce. Italian food has numerous variations and recipes change as you enter into a new city in Italy. Every region has its aroma, a list of favorite foods, and Italian wine.

When we hear someone talking of Pasta, Italy strikes the mind. Pasta is recognized after Italy and one can find the best pasta in Italy that is for sure. Pasta was not invented by Italians; the recipe traveled to Italy from China through Silk Route travelers, traders, and businessmen. Many historians believe it was Marco Polo who brought recipes of Pasta from China to Italy from his famous voyage to China.

No doubt Italy has made Pasta a great deal of deep taste and pleasure food. People take Italian Pasta, not ordinary food, but something substantial and delightful.

The Eastern version of Pasta was made of rice, and the Italians introduced wheat-made Pasta. In Italy, homemade Pasta is abundantly available in shops and cafes and that is its specialty.

Let me introduce a lavish Pasta dish in Italy which has an excellent taste of its own. Pasta Alle Vongole is one of the many types of Pasta in Italy. It is full of flavor and scrumptious. Vongole is a small gray-colored shell containing a tiny fish inside. While presented for eating a separate bowl is given to remove the shells and eat tiny fish with pasta. It’s slightly salty, pasta is drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with parsley. Scrumptious aroma feels in every bite chewing under teeth and touching my taste buds. In cafes, it is one of the expensive dishes costing 14 to 17 euros each. Italians eat it with wine if you don’t drink sparkling water.

Recipe of Pasta Alle Vongole :


  1. I) Salt
  2. ii) Pasta

iii) Olive Oil 3-4 spoons

  1. iv) garlic clove 1-2 v) red pepper flakes as per need
  2. vi) white wine 1/4th cup

vii) Vongole/clams

Viii) chopped parsley

1st Step:

Boil water, add Pasta and pinch of salt, and cook, 2 minutes before its tender take out Pasta and keep a small portion of Pasta water

2nd Step:

Heat 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and add garlic cloves, cook until turned golden. Add red pepper flakes then add wine and clams and let it cook for a maximum of 10 minutes until clams open. Keep it separate in a bowl.

3rd Step:

Add that small amount of kept aside water to the pan and boil it again. Add Pasta into and cook on high flame and keep on tossing until water is soaked and left a small amount of broth.

Add clams into the pan and mix it well, drizzle some olive oil and sprinkle parsley.

Maybe the above recipe is not unique, but when you add your love to Italian food, not any other thing will beat it. :heart_eyes: :it:


ইতালিয়ান পাস্তা সম্পর্কে আমাদের সাথে শেয়ার করে দেয়ার জন্য আপনাকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ। আমি মনে করি এটি অনেক সুস্বাদু হবে। আপনার কাছে এটি অনেক সুস্বাদু মনে হয় তাইতো।


Wow looks yummy and must be good in taste too.

On a funny note: wondering if pasta can satisfy the appetite of someone from Gujranwala.

Gujranwala is amazing city known for wonderful street food.

@Ainnie thanks for sharing with us.


Hahahahaha… Sarbland, You are right it isn’t enough to satisfy a foodie from Gujranwala but I assure you it tastes heavenly. Thank you for your comment


I m agree with @Sarbland what he said about Gujranwala :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I m fond of Italian Food, but mostly Pizza, but heard about some delicious dishes by the some posts of my mentor @ErmesT . But I will surely try the recipe you shared in my kitchen :yum:

But I would like to appreciate you, because you are new on connect but your post, content and photos are awesome.

As you are resident of two Wonderful cities of Pakistan, I would love to invite you to write about some amazing places of Punjab province for the Gems of the World - A Connect Travel Post Challenge on Connect . You can find many tips to writing a post on connect in above link.

Keep It up @Ainnie

(By the way, you can tag me anyone on Connect by typing @ before username, by this concerned person will get an email notification, and you will get response more quickly.)

Thank you


“… Pasta Alle Vongole…” is a new piece of information for me…

I am a pure vegetarian and my knowledge about Non-vegetarian dishes is very limited.

But, enjoyed reading your post - I liked your style of presentation.

All the best, friend @Ainnie