Love for Google Maps

Google Maps, the only destination where anyone can write anything about a place. Me being one amongst the local guide loves to travel and explore my surroundings and try to post my honest and true reviews about that place. Reviews can take a while to get published because as a local guide you should be aware of almost everything about that particular place as your opinion might boost that business or can bring it down.It’s the most crucial part of local guide. Adding missing places , suggesting edits to the latest , posting new photos in a variety of angles to get proper look of that place. This platform has made me explore more as both local guide and as a normal person.

Want to make this platform more eco-friendly and full of truths so that we can select places accordingly.

As a normal human being also we want an honest , true and latest information about that place. We answer many questions as quickly as possible so that other person doesn’t need to wait to make any sort of decision. This platform is continuously improving and making more people connect and share their knowledge.