Lost SVTP Badge + 10% of 360 Fotos hidden

Hy @ all!

We are SVTP since 2018. We uploaded whole Streets (blue line with insta pro2), have done numerous 360 Tours to Business Profiles and contributed a lot of other stuff.

Today i found out that with no further notice we are not on the list anymore for the SVTP. We have no access anymore to the „special“ Forum section here in localguidesconnect. Also in the last months we saw around 10% of our 360 Fotos were hidden due to „content guideline violation“.
The Fotos are all done correctly according to guidelines and seem to be randomly picked and got hidden.

Today I uploaded 6 new 360 Fotos for a Business. 2 are linked instantly to the Business Profile and 4 of them got an „unknown place“ title. Software: 3DVista

So my questions:

What can we do to regain our status?

How can we access the SVTP forum again?

How can we avoid that Fotos are getting deleted? It’s mostly client work!

How are you doing reliable business in this environment?
What Software works best for uploading on your side? We use 3DVista.

We would really like continue contributing content on Maps in the future!

thanks for any suggestions and help

cheers Phil


Hi @threesixty_at ,

The private section on Connect that you’re referring to is no longer active as we no longer support questions about Street View.

However, you should have access to the Street View trusted Help Center, where you can describe your issue and check the Announcements section for any updates related to the program. You can also use the form in this article to appeal the removal of your images.

Find more information about Street View trusted in Questions about Street View? Read this first.

Hope this helps. Meanwhile, please note that I will change the topic of your post to How-tos as that’s the best place to ask questions on Connect. Thank you.