Lost all points in "First Review"

I lost all of my points on “First Review” on “Trailblazer”. I had previously reached 38 First Review, but suddenly it all went down to zero. Can anyone explain why this is happening and what is the solution? Thank you.

Riyad Filza
(Local Guide Level 9)


@RiyadFilza Just to confirm, are you currently logged in as the Local Guides account you’re been using to make the reviews? For the locations that you wrote the review for, do they still exists? Are they duplicates?

It could also be the case of temporary glitch and it will be resolved soon.

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Thank you for your attention.

I only have one account, and always log in with that account. All locations still exist and there are no duplicates.

Hi @RiyadFilza

I can confirm from your public profile that you have added 450 reviews and only 250 of them are public.

Google has automatic filters that hide your reviews so only you can see them. This can happen when some of your reviews violate the guidelines, including:
Prohibited and Restricted Content
Format Specific Criteria (See under Text Reviews and Captions)

Read about typical review guideline violations here.

If you are on a Desktop use this link to Count your hidden contributions. From a mobile device use this link.

If you want to identify which of your reviews are hidden please see this post.

Your lower badge status is a consequence of your hidden reviews.

Please use the form called Account investigation for contributions not visible on Google Maps if you believe that some of your contributions have been wrongfully unpublished.

Best of luck

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I noticed this review from you:

GMF AeroAsia (PT Garuda Maintenance Facility AeroAsia Tbk) is an Indonesian company that specialises in aircraft maintenance repair and overhaul. The company serves the Asia-Pacific region. It also services airplanes of many types and is one of the largest and leading aircraft maintenance facilities in Asia.

You need to have been a customer to write a review. Just sharing Wikipedia style text does not constitute a review. Please always describe your experience as a customer or visitor and let us know how you liked it.

If you were not a customer please remove this review.

All the best


Thank you very much, Morten.

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