Looking for community in Accra (Ghana)

Any local guide around Accra ?


You can see the community near you in this page @Gervais

Hope it helps

ok I found one @Gervais


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Thank U so much :pray::pray::pray:

@user_not_found wrote:

ok I found one @Gervais


@user_not_found wrote:

ok I found one @Gervais


Hi, i’m one and i think we need an active Local Guide community in Ghana. I realized there isn’t a group on facebook for Local Guide in Ghana. I have created one, please join and ask other local Guides you know to join.

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Yes. Lets invite more people so we can meet up.

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Geovinho just noticed your post, are you sorted?

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Thanks a bunch!

Now I have a good reason to go back to using Google+ . Re-downloading it.


Great suggestion and i think there the need for the group and the meet-ups to help map out Ghana in a professional way.

Thank you!

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Hi @Gervais ,

I’m very happy to see that you have found friends Local Guides in your area. Now you all can organize a meet-up and get to know each other face to face.

