looking for assistance concerning how to modify my own e-mail address as local guider in google

gd day to you all ,

i am looking for assistance

at time when i started to be a local guider i undersign my profile with my own professional mail

in the next years i am going to be retired and i wish to convert my email from the actual one (which belong to the company i am employed with) to my own personal private one , obviously without loose my level, points and all contribution i gave

thanks for assistance (hope for any available)



Hi @Luca1964

Please see my post
Do you need to change your email address?.

Best of luck (you will need it)

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Ciao @Luca1964 , purtroppo questo non è possibile. Come puoi leggere nelle

Local Guides Program Terms and Conditions , ci si può registrare al programma con un solo account, I non è possibile trasferire i contributi tra accounts.

L’unica possibilità è di cancellare tutto, ricaricare le immagini e riscrivere le recensioni, o lasciare perdere e ripartire dal via con nuovi contributi.

Mi dispiace

Hi Ernest thank yours and thanks your sincere understanding .

This is very frustrating matter. Rules are done to be improved, changed or updated.

it is only matter to have voluntary intention to do it or not.

if the people of guiders requiring so, this is for a real needs of it, it is not a whim.

the guider spent his time , his voice, his considerations, his own comments and his own face to improve information on the web on behalf of himself and on behalf of the entire community.

Administration should collect such questions and they should kindly try to find a solution .

they created a virtual world with Google Guides to help the real world and the real travellers who need for help to walk on the earth.

With all respect, this is not a matter of question if it is allowed or not, this is a matter to understand that Guiders are looking for a real help. If Guider is forced from the life to change his own email address why he is forced by such rule to loose all time and all contribution given. Local Guides web-site is beloved by us and it is beloved by all users.

Times ago, we release our contribution around the world travelling, now some or most of us are travelling to release contributions as guiders. we are proud to disclose and to assist travellers by our contribution concerning places where we live or we visit, this is independently if the travel is for holidays of for biz.

we as guiders are in loved of such activity and sometimes (or most of times) we chose places to travel to release contributions.

if any of us is forced to leave the house, the own town or the country, we take with us all our belonging things , why we have to be frustrated to put on fire our contribution if our life change or we are forced to do it.

Local guide activity is like a toy in the hands of child and even if i am going to the end of my life crossing the 60th years i wish to have with me (like thousands of guiders wish to do) this toy till the end.

the availability of such tool, even if should surely require time/months of inspection and tests, should became available. Any rule is suitable for change, it is the administrator to do it kindly available.

When i will be forced to retire i surely will loose a lot, but please do not force me to accept also this one.

i hope that administrator will find time to assist us with a tool or with a team to collect our sincere prayers.

ps.: sorry for my bad English, apology for any grammatical or logic clerical mistakes


(from the Southern Italy living into a small fisherman village - Pozzuoli - spent great part or his life at sea as seamen for job and as fisher for play - now as old man trying to help friends and travellers)

Hi @Luca1964

Your English is perfect. And your reaction is understandable.

But did you read my post with suggestions on how you can transfer reviews and photos to a new account?

All the best


Ciao @Luca1964 , non c’è bisogno che ti scusi per il tuo Inglese. Puoi tranquillamente scrivere in Italiano, come faccio io. Il traduttore (attivabile in ogni pagina di connect tramite il selettore della lingua - in alto a destra) farà il resto e permetterà a ognuno di comprenderti.

Ti chiedo invece, quando rispondi, di utilizzare @ (vedi la schermata qui sotto) per citare la persona con la quale stai parlando, in modo da inviare una notifica

Le Guide Locali piĂą attive di questa community seguono centinaia di conversazioni diverse, e potrebbero anche ignorare la notifica se non sanno che chi ha risposto sta parlando con loro.

Non entro nel merito della lunga disgressione, che non è il soggetto di questa conversazione, e che può essere discussa a parte, e so già che hai votato la mia idea, per creare uno strumento per la migrazione. Ovviamente ho scritto l’idea perché ritengo che possa essere uno strumento utile, ma attualmente non è possibile “migrare”

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thank you my dear, i understand but method you say, for which i thank you, cannot go for me , i am no so experienced and i have almost 1.2 MLN ov visualization of my pics ans more than 600tho of same concerning my contribution. in any case thank you, i am with you but transfering will be very hard i suppose



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thank you mydear i learned today another tool for my own play in the wwb

have a nice sunday
