London Local Guides meet up on the 9th of November 2018

Calling all Local Guides in London, UK :slight_smile:

Please come and join us for a drink and a bite to eat on Friday, the 9th of November 2018 from 17:30 onwards in one of the best pubs of London, the Cittie Of Yorke.

Official event page on G+:Drink Drink Drink and FoodBeer cheers with Robert and Irena.gif

Cheers! and see you then :wink:



Hey @IrenaS ,

Thanks for planning this meet-up! Sounds like fun! We look forward to your reviews and photos via Google Maps. Please also feel free to share your recap with us:)

PS: For future meet-ups, keep in mind you could also Host a meet up. Feel free to check out How to Organize a Local Guides Meet-Up.


Hi @IrenaS
I was surprised by this shortcut movie and read this article without thinking!

very good!

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A brilliant pub, we always make a visit when we go to London. If you could schedule your January 2019 meet up for Saturday the 19th that’d be handy :wink:


See you all shortly for bEEr’O’cLoCk :beers:

Taken fromone of our previous meetups organised by @IrenaS and here is the rest of that night:Longest Day of The Year Meetup :pizza::beers:


Weekends are a little more complicated for us, but nothing is impossible Alan :wink:

Hopefully see you on the 19th of January!

Irena xx


Anybody from London around?


Hi @AlexaAC I did try to summit my Host a Meetup application on Wednesday, however it appears I could not select Friday the 9th of November (as it was greyed out).

I’m also struggling with adding my photos from our meet up, as apparently the photo size is too big for Connect to handle. It would be great if our photos could be resized automatically by Connect, to the desired format & size, instead of telling us to resize & try again :wink:

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Good luck for your meet-up @IrenaS !




Thanks for reaching out, @ClaudiuSpace and welcome to Connect.

Your post is getting merged with London Local Guides meet up on the 9th of November 2018. You will find some fellow Local Guides in London there. Go through the post to find a common interest with them. Maybe you would be interested to go through How to Organize a Local Guides Meet-Up afterwards.

That said, you might also want to make a post in Introduce Yourself - November 2018 to get to know other new members of the community.

You can also See what Local Guides is about and read these Tips: Using Local Guides Connect. You may also want to see The 5 core values of Connect and the Help Desk where you can check many questions answered.

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Thank you very much @IrrPavlova

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Oh, I didn’t pay attention lately. I am sorry that I missed this meet up. I am looking forward for the next one. :slight_smile:

First of all, apologies for resurrecting an old thread, but let me explain why.

I am keen to get more involved in Local Guides activity, and there doesn’t seem to be an awful lot of noise from the UK around Connect. I am interested in going to a London based meet-up, but there doesn’t seem to be anything forthcoming. I figured that posting here might garner the interest of @IrenaS and anybody who signed up to this thread previoiusly.

I don’t want to step on anybody’s toes and barge in taking over running something that’s previously been working perfectly well, so I wondered if there are any plans for something in the near future, or whether I ought to host something myself? Plans are extremely nebulous right now but I was vaguely thinking of meeting in a pub for drinks and food, then heading off to do some group photo shooting for a little while, probably on a weekend.

Thoughts? Interest? Comments?

The other thread I started on the subject seems to have gotten a bit lost quite quickly, but it’s over here:

Hi @hawkida

You are absolutely right… Most of the London LG’s do not bother with Connect for all the reasons previously stated.

With G+ being killed off shortly, we are currently announcing about London Meetups via Happening London on Reddit:

Feel free to subscribe & follow. It would be lovely to meet you one day soon in person :wink:

Irena x

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Great picture @IrenaS
