Logros Caricias al Ego.

Los números son bien modestos, pero valen la pena si ayudaron a alguien. No los puntos. Ni la cantidad de lugares, si no la cantidad de personas que se tomaron la molestia de verlos.


Well done @CAAG1959 . Yes I agree. It doesn’t really matter what the numbers are as we can think that we have helped someone every time one of our reviews or photos has been viewed.

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wonderful! working very good @CAAG1959

Keep Contributing

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Hello @CAAG1959 ,

Just to let you know, as your post is written in Spanish language, I’ve added the Spanish language label to your post.

To learn more about those labels I recommend you to take a look at the following article How do I find posts in my preferred language?.

Here you can read Why be a Local Guide?.

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