Location and Photos added but no response yet since one week

Location and Photos added but no response yet since one week regarding approval.


@Manoj_Shah - I see that your profile has the photos listed under Unknown Location. I’ve tried finding the guidance provided by our most excellent @ErmesT who knows the proper guide to share with you on ensuring your place additions meet basic guidelines, but my poor advice is simply to make sure things are as simple as possible when making the initial addition. Try to avoid details until the place has been accepted.

I’m certain that if @ErmesT or another wizard can chime in, they can give you better advice.

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Hi @Manoj_Shah , welcome back to Connect after a very long time. Thanks @SCJohnnyG for tagging me.
First of all I want to inform you that I am changing the category of your post to Google Maps tips & tricks - Local Guides Connect, where it fits better.
If I understand correctly, you are telling us that, despite the fact that you have also added photos, your edits have been pending for a week.
Personally, I think this is quite normal, because every edit must be verifiable. Photos do not help in this, unless you add one (just one) photo related to the storefront of the business with the name clearly visible.
Verification is done by comparing your edit with the available online content related to the same place (public records, but also newspaper articles announcing the opening of the business). Without this information your edit will remain pending until the AI ​​finds more information, and after a certain amount of time it may be rejected. Until your edit is approved your images will remain associated with an “unknown place”.
Also, attempting to add a location to Maps more than once will result in your attempt being considered as Spam.

But let’s stick with your photos for a moment. What are you trying to put on Google Maps?
What I see are private homes and buildings that are still under construction. Both are things that should never be added to Maps. A business cannot be added until it is open to the public.
Can you explain?
Is this a business open to the public?

Is this place a business open to the public?

What about this one?

Or this one?

On a side note: there are also a lot of issues in your other photos, with serious violations about redundancy and duplicates, that are against the Maps user-generated content policy - Maps User Contributed Content Policy Help

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Hi @SCJohnnyG & @ErmesT, Actually we have club in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Club has residential plotting scheme, plotting scheme is more then 90-100 bunglows. Some bunglows are made, some are in progress and some are still vacant plot. Most of members’ of club is plots’ member. Many times person want to visit any bunglow then need to ask some one about plot no (bunglow no). We need to give Specific Plotting name, Plot no in combination, so anyone can easily reach on that location. So, please where I miss any point while creating a new location.

You can easily create a custom Map for this people by using Google My Maps, @Manoj_Shah : https://www.google.com/maps/d/
But that kind of places should never be added in Google Maps. If some of them was approved it should be removed.
Please read: Places you can't add to the map - Google Maps Help