Local street food Kacchi dabeli (कच्छी दाबेली)

Had an opportunity to eat a local delicacy street food kachi dabeli.These is a like similar to vadapav but there is no Vada in that they feel with peanut and gravy , It consist of peanut and grevy.extra Added with extra shev on that.


Another lovely street food in Pune.

Where did you taste this @Praniketmore ?

The Dabeli snack has a full name - Kachhi Dabeli where the prefix word has two stories to it:

  1. Kacchi कच्ची - meaning raw. Here the bread is half-cooked and the fillings are stuffed.

After that, the Dabeli is again put into an oven or over a hot pan served hot for the best taste.

  1. Kachhi कच्छी - meaning originating from the Kachh region of India.

Some people believe this originated in Gujarat, hence the name Kachhi Dabeli.


@TusharSuradkar thanks sir for more detail info about food

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