Local pins guide perks and gifts

Hello everyone

I got a mail regarding the local guides that a gift will be received on behalf of the google local guides community. But the gift has not been received still. I mentioned all the details of my home address on the mail which was received and the code which was there inside the mail. It’s more than a year.

If anyone has some information regarding how can i get it again as it is not delivered to my address.


@TravellerBeast تحياتي لك.ارجو لك الصحه والنجاح.سوف يقوم إحدى أعضاء الفريق بالاجابه على سؤالك.فقط انتظر

Hi @TravellerBeast

Please read Question about a Local Guides reward email? Read this first. Next, if you qualify, you can request a replacement on this page. The form is at the bottom of the page. If more than a year ago I’m afraid you lost your chance to reorder.

Best of luck

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