Local Meetup in Central Valley (California)

Looking to meet up with Central Valley Local Guides






Hi @Dharm_S ,

We love your great enthusiasm! I just moved your post here in the “Let’s Meet-up” board as here you can invite easily your fellow Local Guides to a lovely photo walk you want to organise;).

Please read here to understand better how to organise a meet-up. I recommend also to check this great post and explore our meet-up platform. To create your own meet-up, click here: https://goo.gl/1seqac.

Good luck and looking forward to seeing your photos!


Iwould be Interested. I am planning a meet up in workspace.


Hey, good to hear, when are you planning for meetup and where exactly you located


When and Where?

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Manteca Merced Modesto Madera


Bosco, will it help if we choose a single place and have a Meetup

I had a Meetup about 3 months back at Fresno Zoo but had only 4-5 ppl show up

Do you have any idea, I was thinking to do a trail or walk ?


Coffee and intro for each person to bring ideas


Hi all.

I’m new to this guide life. I’m a Brit, who moved to California a few years back. My current job has me all over the Central Valley which is when I decided to start contributing as a Local Guide. I’m based in Clovis, so I’m interested in a meet and greet if you get something organised.


@Wh0da @Bossco @downtowngirl How about meeting and a coffee @ Kuppa Joy


If your reffering to the place in Old Town Clovis, that sounds great to me. I’ve been past it many times, just not managed to find my way in, as yet.

I’m always down for a decent cup of tea!

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I guess we got sidetracked on this or I missed out. @Dharm_S suggested downtown Clovis which is ideal for me. Any more suggestions or takers? I’m still thirsty and ready to head out.

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@Wh0da I was hoping to meet fellow local guide, How about we keep 12/16 ,(11:00 am ) for our meetup point

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It’s marked on my calendar. I look forward to it. Let’s hope some other guides can make it.

We planned our meet up for 12/16/2017

Please share it in your circle as well


@Wh0da @Bossco @downtowngirl

Does this mean that there are only 3 local google guides in Fresno or are we the only ones who have connected? I’ve only been doing this off/on for about 2 years now. Been wanting to meet others but kept putting it off. I’d love to meet some others if it’s possible. Please let me know. BTW I’m Tricia.


Hi, I’m Felix Rogelio Flores, greetings from western Mexico.

through local guides, Google Maps, I am interested in sharing my experience with the world for those who are interested in visit to the same places in order they can take a plan and enjoy whitout problems, For the same**, I want to go to California in order to know about the experience of other guides and motivate the development of my community of followers with this possible and wonderful experience.**

Hey Tricia.

I’m hoping to get this rolling somehow. Fairly new to the LG scene, but am certainly both feet in with getting a meet up going. Im doing some homework on the best way forward and will include you, in anything from now. Any input welcome.

Hey Tricia / Others

Thanks for your responses

Well my name is Dharm and I am in Clovis / Fresno from last 2 years and in last 18 months , we conducted 2 events with Local guide, 1st was at Fresno Zoo and 2nd one was at Woodward Park

Unfortunately, we didnt see much participation in either of the event but to keep the wave going, How about we keep an event on May 26th , Place - to be decided, @fsubdog90 @Wh0da @FELIX6 @Bossco @downtowngirl

I am marking everyone I know active in this region