Local meet up

Local guides meet up is a best opportunity to share learn and implement best practices to elevate the options given by google to provide users to the best fullest form

We as local guides should be at our best to do check facts and post pictures and write the transparent reviews about places and products.

Frequent meets ups help to learn, share ideas and teach the younger generation of social responsibility of giving back to community our services which in turn help us gain more users and improve our global maps services and information making available for public

Connect 2020 helps me and the local guides around the around to come together in one page one understanding of how we (google) can transform the way we live with technology at our finger and how can google help us I’m this world with innovative solutions based on artificial intelligence and bring more goodness into lives of people

I would love to be apart of Connect 2020 and learn more and share more for the benefit of our local guides community and society as a whole.

Thank you for giving me this wonderful opportunity to connect 2020.

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Hello** @Benny7 **

Thanks for sharing your experience with fellow local guides.

Is’t your application post for Connect Live 2020?

If you are new on Connect feel free to take part in Introduce-Yourself-March-2020 where you can meet with many local guides from different parts of world.

Meanwhile you can check this post: How-do-I-write-a-post-on-Connect & 14-helpful-tips-for-using-Connect

If you are interested in meet up, feel free to access localguides meetup

But remember due the increasing effect of COVID-19 local guides are not hosting any meet up in their cities, only virtual meet ups are running on Hangout/Hangout meet.

Tagging here:** @Petra_M ,**so that she can remove the meet up label from your post, because this post is not related to any meet up.


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Thanks for tagging me @IshantHP_ig !

Hi @Benny7 ,

Thanks for sharing!

I’d like to let you know that I’ve moved your post to Local Stories, as it looks like an application post and it belongs there.

If you need some tips on how to create it, please check out the How to write a great application post for Connect Live 2020 and Connect Live applications are now open posts.

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Hi** @Petra_M **

Thanks for the quick reply!

And shifting the post in correct direction.