Local Guides. Worldwide Online Documentary.

Hi. My name is Dmytro. No matter where I go, I always take “tons” of photos. Landscapes, interiors, details. I love photography. It’s my hobby and part of my profession.

After I started using Local Guides and some of my photos where viewed more than 6 000 times, I began to take pictures more consciously. All the time I’m thinking how this can be useful to other people, how to make the picture more informative.

I am a TV director and believe that any picture has its own story. As for me, the participants of Local Guides are one large authors team who daily makes a worldwide documentary, telling their stories with photos or reviews.

The world is changing. Something is disappearing, such as fantastic arch on Legzira Beach in Morocco, destroyed by a storm few years ago.

Something appears daily, like a cozy gallery in the very center of Odessa, my home city, which I am helping to appear on Google Maps now.

Often while making documentaries it is hard to find even one photo about the place or person I’m making a film about. And it would be so great if Google create an archive of maps and places according to the years of downloading pictures, so that it could be saved for future generations, how a particular place looked in a particular year, and our descendants would not have problems with finding the right historical image.

Local Guides unite strangers around the world, making us closer to each other. We make the search for information by filling in the existing white spots easier for everybody who is interested in exploring places. I am glad to be part of the group because the closer people get to each other, the less hostility and misunderstanding will be in the world.

I am planning to continue bringing my contribution to this historical memorisation - there are so many places that deserve people to remember and know about.


Hi. My name is Dmytro. No matter where I go, I always take “tons” of photos. Landscapes, interiors, details. I love photography. It’s my hobby and part of my profession. After I started using Local Guides and some of my photos where viewed more than 6 000 times, I began to take pictures more consciously. All the time I’m thinking how this can be useful to other people, how to make the picture more informative.

I am a TV director and believe that any picture has its own story. As for me, the participants of Local Guides are one large authors team who daily makes a worldwide documentary, telling their stories with photos or reviews.

The world is changing. Something is disappearing, such as fantastic arch on Legzira Beach in Morocco, destroyed by a storm few years ago.

Something appears daily, like a cozy gallery in the very center of Odessa, my home city, which I am helping to appear on Google Maps now.

Often while making documentaries it is hard to find even one photo about the place or person I’m making a film about. And it would be so great if Google create an archive of maps and places according to the years of downloading pictures, so that it could be saved for future generations, how a particular place looked in a particular year, and our descendants would not have problems with finding the right historical image.

Local Guides unite strangers around the world, making us closer to each other. We make the search for information by filling in the existing white spots easier for everybody who is interested in exploring places. I am glad to be part of the group because the closer people get to each other, the less hostility and misunderstanding will be in the world.

I am planning to continue bringing my contribution to this historical memorisation - there are so many places that deserve people to remember and know about.

Hi @DmytroZguriev ,

Thank you for sharing.

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