2 years with the Local Guides program has been a wonderful journey.
It has become almost like a personal blog for me, as I love writing reviews for each and every place that I visit.
Writing was a passion I buried years ago.
I used to write short stories and poetry as a child and raps as a teen.
Local Guides program resuscitated that hobby!
I have put in hours together into writing reviews, during my early days.
As of now, I have got over 50 Likes on the 138 reviews that I have put out.
The reviews have been viewed by over 64000 people.
The review I wrote for my college has got the highest number of views and likes.
Talking about pictures, one of my clicks has attracted over 34000 views, which is quite a large number considering the size of my city, Mangalore.
This picture is of a Musical Fountain which had opened to public in January 2018.
The free-of-cost show narrated the glorious history of Mangalore from ancient historic era, till date.
Now, this is a totally new format of laser show that I had ever seen.
To my surprise, most of the citizens were not even aware that such a place existed, at that time!
Hence, I felt the need to give it the visibility that it deserved.
My picture had stood out as the top image for the venue for months.
I am glad that as of now, the place gets large number of visitors each day, and that too they come paying money for tickets!
I have listed the place as a Must visit place for everyone visiting the city, especially in the evening.
Here are a few more pictures that I would like to put up here:
As time went by, the program turned out into a meaningful relationship.
It was no more about just uploading pictures or writing reviews.
I felt it as a moral duty to add on Google Maps, whenever I come across a newly opened shop or Social service center.
When I saw pictures that don’t belong to the place it has been uploaded to, I quickly report to Google for correction.
At times, I sat up and answered the questions that Google asks to Guides who know the venue better such as wheelchair accessibility, parking facility etc.
One more important duty that I answer to is reporting places which have closed down or shifted. As a traveler, I have had instances where I went long distances looking for some place, taking guidance from Maps, only to reach there and find a “Shifted/Closed” sign board.
Feeling this pain, I do not wish anyone else goes through this, and I do my best to ensure that it doesn’t happen.
It’s amazing how Google Maps has changed all of our lives.
Today, we could go around a city without taking help or guidance from anyone else, but it’s a secret that, Maps function accurately only due to the group of invisible fellowship of Local Guides like us!
This voluntary service is truly satisfying!
For all of you haven’t tried this Program, I encourage you to take a chance.
Trust me; it will turn you into a better human being within no time!