“ Hey, Good morning!. Where are we going today? “
My friend said to me during our road trip and camping in south of Europe last year. Then I started to open Google Maps, our best friend and very helpful guide on that trip.
I had been very lucky to visit many interesting places that mostly based consideration after read the reviews and see photos shared by Local Guides on Google Maps.
I have been helped by Google Maps and then I join Local Guides program to help others based on my experiences. For me is like reciprocal relationship among us. I realize that being a Local Guide is very important and fun. From sharing my experiences about a place can help people make better decision.
Hopefully our reciprocal relationship will long-lasting. Therefore I do the best to contribute on Google Maps. Besides many photos, reviews and other ways contributed. I shared this interesting list from the road trip, Amazing nature swimming places in France
Sharing helpful information is the important part of being Local Guides. Meet an interesting fellow Local Guides is a bonus. Attend Connect live is a bonus.
Thanks to Google Maps & Local Guides