Local Guides program inspires people for discovering new places and connecting them to other people

I am the guy from the place that most people didn’t even hear its name, from the village located on the mountain. That makes me curious to know what is on the other side of the mountain and further and further. I love to be at the places where I’ve never been, to see the peoples I have never seen and to enjoy their culture. Especially the places that most people aren’t even aware of it, places that we don’t see on TV and neither on social media.
I travel by picking random places on google maps, especially the places which have no information about them on the map. When I reach there, after enjoying the new environment, I immediately share the photos, all kinds of interesting information and my impressions on Google Local Guides.

That makes other people be interested in these places and makes them travel more. Another point is that, when the people living in places where rarely being visited by tourists start to meet new guests, it makes their life better. It improves their worldview, inspires them to share their culture with the world and tells them they have lots of things to discover. Also, children living there become ignited to learn more and it takes their education to the next level. I hope that will help them to have a better future.
That’s what all about. I enjoy helping people, connecting them to each other, making them be known to the world, helping children explore the world because they will build a better future for us.
That’s what Google does and I’m grateful to have the opportunity to be part of it. I feel how the Googleyness level is increased inside me. I can’t wait to share it with people who have the same feelings and goals as me.

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