What Local Guides Program Means to me? I asked this question to my self and got many answers.
But firstly I want to share how I introduced to local guides program, you can say it love at first sight.
In 2015 I visited Banjosa Lake & ToliPeer Azad Kashmir and it was really awesome place, with beautiful scenery. When I was there I took many photos, and I want to told about this place to the world. When I reached back to my hotel, I got notification that I should write a review of it. And I did the same, and it was my first introduction with Local Guides Program.
After return to my city, I decided to do something for my community and my city. And then I started map Editing walks alone. Whenever I had free time, I visit nearby areas and tried to map these businesses on Google maps, because I knew that these Contributions will make great impact to Their businesses and for my country as well. So it became my passion.
After joining connect, I saw wonderful local guides , who are volunteering for great causes like Accessibility, so I learn by them and added Accessibility information in my reviews.
And then I met local guides from Karachi, and I had chance to learn by them, and what I had I educate them from my experience.
@KashifMisidia @user_not_found
@Bilal_shaikh are the people who are very close to me, especially @KashifMisidia who is moderating Pakistan Local Guides Community very well and together we attended many meetups in Karachi.
I got the real mean of Volunteering by Local Guides program, that how we can help our community with dedication and enthusiasm.
The Local Guides program has allowed me to pursue and share the parts of my life that are most precious to me. From a young age, I have always had a craving for adventure and photography. I have and always will follow the path that will allow me to search for new things and share my experiences with the world.
I will continue to be a Local Guide and share my experiences for as long as the program is available. There really is nothing like this program out there and it makes me want to travel even more and take more pictures. I am so excited for the future that lies ahead of me!
Thank you