Local guides Meeting in Croatia

Do you planing any Local guides Meet in Croatia soon maybi 2019, my suggestion Istria.


Hey @user_not_found ,

It’s great that you are interested in joining a meet-up. The best way you can check if there are any already organized ones near you is in here. Also, if you are not aware of this, you can create and submit your own meet-up. Interested? Feel free to check this post, which holds all the information that you’ll need to arrange your own personal meet-up. :slight_smile:

Hope you’ll find the above useful!

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Hi @user_not_found ,

I think it would be a great idea if you plan a meet-up in Istria. I hope that there would be other interested Local Guides to join you for a Photo walk there. If you have any difficulties to organise the meet-up, please follow these tips. Please let me know, if I can help more.

SrdaÄŤan pozdrav!

I would be interested @user_not_found .

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