How google select local google guides from different parts of country for meet-up,what is its criteria,how can be increase our chances of getting selected at this tour .
if I understood correctly, when you say meet-up you refer to Connect Live, isn’t it?
Actually there are no indication about a possible event for 2019.
The events are published here in Connect, and with an email to the Local Guides that are eligible for the event.
Make sure to set your account through for receiving notification:
For information about the selection criteria for 2018, please read:
Hi @Nikhilchemical ,
If you want to host your own Meet-ups please follow the link. But before that, I recommend you reading this post How to Organize a Local Guides Meet-Up which gives you helpful ideas on the types of activities you can plan and some guidance and tips for helping you organize a successful event for yourself and the Local Guides in your area!
Please follow this link to learn more about What are your tips for first-time meet-up hosts? You will notice a ton of tips for persons like you that are interested in planning a Meet-up.
P.S. I’ve relabelled your post and it now appears in the Meet-up topic section. You can follow as well @ErmesT 's tips.