Local Guides in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco Mexico.

Hello the wife and have lived here for 2 Years now. When we travel we take pictures add things to Google Maps. There is much to uncover and review. Names of Places change as they move locations.

If you are interested in getting together to see if we can do more let me know.


Hello @Al-Reust ! Welcome to Local Guides Connect and thank you for making Google Maps better for everyone. :slight_smile:

Connect is global community forum where Local Guides from all over the world share their worldly experiences and ideas with one another.

To find fellow Local Guides in your area, I recommend searching the community for mentions of “Puerto Vallarta” or “Jalisco” to find posts that have that name in the title, body of the post, or the location tag. Feel free to jump into those threads and connect with the Local Guides near you. :slight_smile: Similarly, when posting about something specific to your area, I always suggest filling up the “Location” field to help others find your posts, too.

This post contains super helpful tips for when you are organising a meet-up. Don’t forget to check out our newly-launched meet-up page regularly to see if there are meet-ups happening in your area.

Be sure to read this post for tips on posting, searching and interacting with the Connect community. Have fun!


Hola a todos, este mensaje es para invitarlos a unirse a la comunidad de Local Guides en MĂ©xico,
con el proposito de tener una comunidad fuera de Connect donde podamos interactuar también y
compartir nuestros logros,fotos y experiencias.

Les comparto el link : https://www.facebook.com/GoogleLocalGuidesMexico/

Denle like, y compartan sus experiencias o minimo mantenganse enterados de lo que pasa en MĂ©xico.

Saludos desde Sinaloa.

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Hi @rolandorivasr , please pardon me for writing in English.

Would you like to check out the unofficial Mexico Local Guides community? It is a very active community and already has over 8000 members! :slight_smile:

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Dont worry @JeslynL :grinning:, fortunately I can understand, thanks for the advice!!!

Im now living at Puerto Vallarta more how 1 year. Here are lot of place to add in google maps.

if you interesting, time to time im going to walk around and exploring city.

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Hola, I am stuck in the middle of vehicle repairs at the moment. will see if I am free by this weekend.


hei! i have organized meet up here in PV … join me!! lets take so much photos in a walking by the malecon and old town Vallarta.

@Al-Reust wrote:

Hello the wife and have lived here for 2 Years now. When we travel we take pictures add things to Google Maps. There is much to uncover and review. Names of Places change as they move locations.

If you are interested in getting together to see if we can do more let me know.

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@edgartrova I’d totally link the meet-up so others can RSVP :slight_smile: Have a great time at the meet-up!

How about Sri lanka?

how can i do that? @JeslynL

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well, im not in sri lanka hahaha :slight_smile: @Ayesh

There is now a Community On Google Plus for Puerto Vallarta Local Guides.


Hope this helps.

You might try here for Sri Lanka


Google has finally given Local Guide in Puerto Vallarta a group Page I have been working to get people connected.



one, im in!

Welcome to Connect, @Al-Reust . I hope you will find Local Guides in Puerto Vallarta with @JeslynL 's tips! :slight_smile:

P.S. I have removed the solution from your post as only posts that have absolute answers should have accepted solutions. Learn more here. Thank you. :slight_smile:

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