Local guides in Prague .... WANNA MEET ?!

Hey local guides from and around Prague,

i was just wondering if you want to meet some time and chat . Change some photos or give advices for travelling and “Local Guiding”.

But there is a small problem :smiley: Around prague there are no guides …None of you people are from Czech ? :DD

Let`s discuss that :slight_smile:

Have a nice day …bye


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Oh dear, we are many! :smiley:

There’s even a community of Prague local guides but I’m not sure it’s working properly because nobody has replied to my entry application since a month ago…


Cheers, Martin


Hi Peter!

I’m in Brno for a while.

If you come around tell me and we can meet ok?

I’ll pass by Praha next Monday but not for much time. Maybe we can set something forward like next month. :wave:

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@CaptainHook @PETRV komunita funguje … Posílal sem vám zprávu na Hangouts … Vy jste neodpověděli!


to bude tím, že hangouts nepoužívám.

věřím, že komunita funguje, nicméně moje přihláška stále čeká na potvrzení…

@CaptainHook pokud nepoužíváš hangouts, tak se do komunty nedostaneš … Je to jasně napsané v popisu, že s každým komunikuju přes Hangouts, je to ochrana nejen kuli spamu, ale i kvalitě komunity.