Local Guides in Lilburn-Tucker area?


Any other local guide in Tucker-Lilburn area out side of Atlanta perimeter? Let’s meet up.


I’m a bit further north of you in the Lawrenceville area, but I’m not aware of too many other active local Guides near either one of us.

Which is kind of a shame, but it does provide plenty of opportunities to create content in a vast, untouched wasteland. :slight_smile:


Lawrenceville Local Guide checking in here :D. I was not aware of any other Local Guides here at all. Nice to meet you guys!!! AlexandarW, all of this un-edited, un-reviewed, un-created content really made it easy to hit level 4. If I keep finding errors and missing information at this pace level 5 is only a few months off. lol

And this is my first post!


Think of it as prepping you to work in the deep wilderness with no support.

It’s not quite that bad. But I am seeing quite a bit more assistance with edits popping up and LG coming to light.

I have a feeling in a few more years, this area will be much better.

Super late but super excited I finally found this discussion! I am new to contributing in forums and look forward to discovering more ways to contribute and be involved. Hopefully a meeting in the lawrenceville area will be held this year :slight_smile:


Hi Alexander, Im in the Lawrenceville too and I am going to start my first meetup the first week of May. Are you interested i joining? Thanks

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Hi Grant, Im in the Lawrenceville too and I am going to start my first meetup the first week of May. Are you interested in joining? Thanks

I would be more than happy to attend a meet-up and talk all about Atlanta. If you want you can post on the official G+ page for Atlanta here.

There are quite a few on here that I am aware of that would like to do a meet-up.


-Grant Marshall

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@EkA Hello

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Thanks for your support! I am working on a flyer and I will post it ASAP.

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Hi Grant, I hope you can attend https://www.eventbrite.com/e/small-business-week-day-3-lawrenceville-google-review-crawl-tickets-33717541073

Also, I posted the Photo Walk on the Atlanta Local Guides page. Thanks

@user_not_found wrote:

I would be more than happy to attend a meet-up and talk all about Atlanta. If you want you can post on the official G+ page for Atlanta here.

There are quite a few on here that I am aware of that would like to do a meet-up.


-Grant Marshall

Hi Magen, I wanted to invite you to a Photo Walk and Food Crawl in Downtown Lawrenceville.


I hope you can attend!

@MagenO wrote:

Super late but super excited I finally found this discussion! I am new to contributing in forums and look forward to discovering more ways to contribute and be involved. Hopefully a meeting in the lawrenceville area will be held this year :slight_smile:

Hi EkA, I wanted to invite you to a Photo Walk and Food Crawl in Downtown Lawrenceville.


I hope you can attend!

@EkA wrote:


Any other local guide in Tucker-Lilburn area out side of Atlanta perimeter? Let’s meet up.

Hi Alexander, I wanted to invite you to a Photo Walk and Food Crawl in Downtown Lawrenceville.


I hope you can attend!

@user_not_found wrote:

I’m a bit further north of you in the Lawrenceville area, but I’m not aware of too many other active local Guides near either one of us.

Which is kind of a shame, but it does provide plenty of opportunities to create content in a vast, untouched wasteland. :slight_smile:

Hi Rajendrasinh, I wanted to invite you to a Photo Walk and Food Crawl in Downtown Lawrenceville.


I hope you can attend!

@RajendrasinhC wrote:

@EkA Hello