Hi I have recently become a guide but wondering if this can help my business. Interested to meet anyone else in Canberra who is one and learn from them.
Hi @MichelleJ_1 , looks like you’re new here, so welcome to Connect!
I recommend checking out the Google My Business community for information about managing your business. It is good to note that advertising of business (yours or others’) is prohibited in Connect (check out the Local Guides Program rules).
You are welcome to participate as an individual nonetheless, of course! Connect is a global community forum where Local Guides from all over the world share their experiences and ideas with one another. This post will give you tips and best practices when using the forum.
To find fellow Local Guides from Canberra, try searching the community for mentions of “Canberra” or “Australia” to find posts that have that name in the title, body of the post, or the location tag. Feel free to jump into those threads and connect with the Local Guides.
If you’re looking to organise a meet-up in your area, do check out this handy guide for steps and tips about how to go around doing it.
Hi Michelle,
May I ask, what is your business? I may be able to help if there are photographic opportunities! I am getting in to this to support my spare-time photographic and local community interests…