The events in the last few days in Malaysia has been nothing but incredible and spectacular. As part of uniting Malaysians and all Local Guides in Malaysia, a group of us are starting this post, so we know who we are and where to find ourselves in this huge worldwide community. Over the last 1-2 years, we have pockets of discussions here in Connect, and in other social media and communication platforms. The active group whilst having many great contributors, never really grew very large, and we are sure there are so many more active Local Guides from and in Malaysia.
So we started this post, so anyone who is from Malaysia, or any other international Local Guides who is living and residing in Malaysia can make yourself known (if not already before), so we can have an on-going main repository post here to quickly look up friends and family from/in Malaysia.
When posting to introduce yourself, please do share your name, location, some introduction and if possible, a photo as well.
Just a short intro on myself. Steve. Currently residing in Selangor in Malaysia. Started slowly contributing close to 2 years ago. Currently a Level 10 LG. Part of the LG Summit 2017 selected representatives. Always happy to meet up for food and exploration.
2017 Malaysia Local Guides (from left): Fikri, Haseeb, Wong Chee Weng, Jonathan & 2 friends, Nabeel Khan (in red Google t-shirt), Jonathan’s friend, Pavel Sarwar, Stephen Abrahan, Atiq
Living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Not sure when did I start contributing to Google Maps, but signed-up for the LocalGuides program somewhere in 2015 or 2016.
My Name is Syed Haseeb & natively I’m from Pakistan & moved to Malaysia permanently in 2008. An active member here on connect since June 2017 Click here for more details
My name is Pavel Sarwar. I am an Entrepreneur, Community Leader, Food Lover & a Level 8 Google Local Guide. I am from Bangladesh. Now I am living in Cyberjaya, Malaysia. I live like a Local anywhere I go!
About myself as a small Contributor to Google Maps.
I’m Saidul Karim, from Bangladesh, currently, I’m living in Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia for working purpose, I started to contribute on Google Maps end of the year 2017 and I achieved a level 6 on Google Map as a local guide. I love to work together with local guide community and I had completed my first meetup with Malaysia local guides community @StephenAbraham , @EugeneWong, @Haseeb, @AkmalB, called “36” walk worldwide.
I’m Sabri, a long time local mapper from Klang, who is also an analyst, researcher, civil engineer & information technologist in public transportation field.