Hi, my name is Angelica Jaramillo Velez. Im survivor of Armero Tolima. Im 34 years old and i have two children’s. I love the idea to help others and enjoy the day when im going in my job, with my family and friend’s in a differents places in Google maps. Im local guide level 6. I want to meet others local guides in my city. If you are interested to know more about this. Send me a message. Ibague city its beautiful! Do you want to come here,localguide? You are invited. Hugs to all. Angelica Jaramillo Velez
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Hi @AngelicaJar good on you for starting to organise a meetup, you should also make a meetup entry here https://maps.google.com/localguides/meetup so that important details like location, time and date and a description of your proposed Meetup are known to everyone who might like to come along.
Have a read of How to Organise a Local Guides Meetup and HowTo: Leading a Photo/Food/Geo Walk
I hope your Meetup goes well.
Regards Paul
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Thank you! @PaulPavlinovich . Its my first time. So i hope to meet a new friends of localguides in Ibagué- Tolima. I’m planning more details. Thanks.
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