Local guides from Melbourne?

Any Melburnians keen for a meetup? The most liveable city in the world should most definitely have a good team of guides. :slight_smile:


Hi @AugustoJ the next scheduled meetup is a photowalk




I am new to local guides and please keep me in loop for the future meetups.

Thanks guys

@user_not_found wrote:

Hi @AugustoJ the next scheduled meetup is a photowalk



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@SanjivR hi join our community on g+ to see everything that’s up https://plus.google.com/communities/101547185807184847150

White Night Meetup

Saturday at midnight (well, ok I guess it’s really Sunday) the Melbourne Local Guides are meeting up at the Nicholson Street carpark entrance to Melbourne Museum where we will meander southwards through the exhibits.

White Night Photowalk Itinerary

They are in order from left to right, top to bottom.

Itinerary Document

@AugustoJ wrote:

Any Melburnians keen for a meetup? The most liveable city in the world should most definitely have a good team of guides. :slight_smile:

Hey Augustoj and friends I’d be glad to,

Did you have anything on mind to do?

Hi @ThomasHayes @AugustoJ @SanjivR the next Melbourne Local Guides meetup is the Brunswalk with fire which will be fire spinning and photography later in March and of course plenty of us will be at Moomba on Monday if you’re interested in getting together.



@user_not_found wrote:

Hi @ThomasHayes @AugustoJ @SanjivR the next Melbourne Local Guides meetup is the Brunswalk with fire which will be fire spinning and photography later in March and of course plenty of us will be at Moomba on Monday if you’re interested in getting together.



Hi Paul,

The Brunswalk with Fire sounds interesting, would like to check it out and we can catch up also!

Hi everyone, our next walk is coming up

The Meetup is all set to go Sa 17th June 1pm,-5pm starting at Collingwood Station
