Many many different people joining the local guides community.
For understanding local guides connect we need some time.
Now, the tutorial is also available on connect.
Some local guides asking the questions, but that’s answer is already available on connect.
I agree new local guide doesn’t know that their question’s answer is already available!!!
Some questions are multiple times asked.
The repetition makes connect more frustrating.
Some local guides are giving their answers, but same question many times Repeating,
In this our
Time, Energy, Conversation used.
It’s to be ok, that we need some FAQ type board.
This board will gives more details based on our queries.
This board more helpful.
The Most Asked&Popular Questions Of the Connect.
I know that subtopic of “FAQ” Is available during writing of our post.
I know that about local guides, about program related answers available.
Any many useful articles are also helpful ourself.
I post this question is in How-tos because I thought I will share my thoughts related to my queries.
And why How-tos posts are not merged, many of same question posts are still available on connect.
Why moderators don’t merging that?