Local Guides Australia Impact of google exit

Hi Guys,

want to understand is google maps or local guides will be impacted if google search exits Australia.



Hi @kapilarora4 all the local features of Maps would likely be impacted yes.

I would be surprised if Google walked away from Australia but it is a significant issue. I imagine there is truth on both sides of the discussion and we can only wait to see what the outcome is. The new laws are due to pass in the coming week or so.

Have a read of https://gizmodo.com/i-cut-google-out-of-my-life-it-screwed-up-everything-1830565500 if you’d like to know what the impact would really be. If we lost all Google services then the internet simply wouldn’t work in Australia anymore.

Great to meet another Australian Local Guide by the way. Another of our moderators @PennyChristie is from Sydney and I’m from Melbourne and so its moderator @AdamGT .



Thanks for the mention @PaulPavlinovich and welcome to Connect @kapilarora4 .


Life will be very interesting, and probably a little difficult without Google in Australia @kapilarora4 and @PaulPavlinovich

Fingers crossed nothing changes for us. Nice to meet a fellow Sydney Local Guide :blush:


Thanks @PaulPavlinovich . It’s hard to digest truth for local guides, my Dream was to do a big one here , but if it really comes to exit maps too , I will have to find the motivation.

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Thanks @AdamGT .

Thanks @PennyChristie

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Yesterday I would have said it will never happen @kapilarora4 but today Facebook turned off news in Australia and locked and hid thousands of FB group pages so who knows.
