Local Guides at #DevFestNairobi17

I was invited to give a talk at the Nairobi Google Developer Group DevFest on Saturday, November 10th 2017 at Strathmore University. The title of the talk was Making the world a better place with the Local Guides Programme, aimed at sharing about what the Local Guides program is about and my experience at the Local Guides Summit. Together with @SarahKa and a template by @LucioV , we worked on this Google Slides Presentation which was shared with the audience to follow through. It’s a 30-minute compact presentation without most of the descriptive details of the program. (We experienced some technical hitches with the slides and sadly no live stream [Sorry, @SanyaOdare . I’ll update the post later in the week with a link to the video once I receive it]).

When I asked the audience how many were Local Guides, a handful raised their hands, indicating the need for greater awareness about the program. Nearly 10 people reached out after the talk to ask more about the program and a desire to join while others indicated they were Level X but didn’t know about the communities and LG Connect.

Here are a couple of questions during and after the session and how I responded (paraphrased):

  • When is the Street View program coming to Kenya? [Discussed 360 cameras and how individuals can contribute via Street View. For official Street View content, this is to be confirmed].

  • How can we be assured of security when we have our cameras on our street? [This is a local issue, on which Nairobi photographers are pushing our governor for support ]

  • Can the communities support the Local Guides better in ways such as events and more?[This was brought up during the LG Summit as well. Added the individual to our Nairobi Community group and we’ll work on improving the frequency of our meetups @KoffiK ]

  • With all the content being crowdsourced by Local Guides, can the developers have access to some of it on Google Maps?[ @TraciC , best response for this?]

  • How do we know that our contributions are of quality? [Received this question later on. I’ll update the slide with links to some Youtube videos.].

Feedback on the presentation from the organizer

  • It was engaging. Used the last 5 minutes for Q&A and shared slides which helped those in the back who couldn’t see the main screen.

  • Most of the audience could relate to the program

  • In the future, bring out the value of being a Local Guide in the local community (localise the content?)

- Explain more about how users can contribute quality content.

  • Positive feedback on the flow of the slides.

  • @TraciC is it possible to have a 1-hour descriptive deck vs a 30-minute crash course deck?


Great work @RobAo so proud of you! :slight_smile:


Keep Shining bro @RobAo :slight_smile: :grin::tada::tada:


Hey @RobAo , sounds awesome!

Thanks to share with us everything =D soon (and hopefully haha) I’ll do the same.

Waiting the video =)))

See you!


Excellent, @RobAo !


@RobAo this is amazing!!! keep at it! ooh and its just the begining


Congratulation and thank you for representing us well. Big ups @RobAo



çok iyi bir organizasyon.

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