Me, @Radjasitanggang and @Emmyendarwati are actively meet and connect with many communitie in Jakarta and Indonesia . Three of us then volunturary apply to participating in the Community Festival that took place in the perstigious place named Gelora Bung Karno.
The event will be held along ten days so we should arrange our time table.
Local Guides community are selected and have a booth, it is not too big since we get it free of charge.
Location and booth.
Exhibition and name tag, without it everibody should buy ticket.
Local Guides booth among other communities booth.
Whirlwind from Connect Live 2018.
One table and two chairs with electricity.
Local Guides Meet up Run Down.
Sunday, 29 September 2019.
17.00 Gathering by Local Guides Community
18.00 Workshop/Meet up Local Guides Community
The whole Event Rundown.
Free ticket for Local Guides Meet-ups participants.
Meet up participants.
Photowalk and Map Editing.
Local Guides Booth’s Guests.
It make me happy to introduce Local Guides and its activities to guest who come to our booth and other communities.