Local Guide Video 2017


my Name is Patrick Brinkmann, i am 27, german and a new LocalGuide and YouTuber.

In 2017 i would like to create a Meet-up to create a nice Video for the LocalGuides Channel.

If someone is interested to join us, feel free! To contact!

My citys are STRASBOURG, France and PADERBORN, Germany! I am mobile and i am interested in worldwide LocalGuide Trips!

Right now my Video Skills are beginners.


If you want me to create my Videos in English, write me in the Comments, otherwise i don’t know nothing.

Letz find out more, and reach LeveL 5 in the LocalGuide.

Patrick Brinkmann



I just discovered the channel of LocalGuide and also saw there is no video about Germany.

I would also like to contribute or help to create one.

Regarding your channel,

I just looked at it, but you still haven’t made too many, so I subscribed to see the next one you’re going to upload.

I am also really new to this topic, I just started some months ago to learn how to film and cut my videos.

It looks like you’re not focused on only one thing, that’s also not a big problem, but you should try to find something that makes you unique.

  • Play around with different stuff, cut out scenes that take too long

  • change speed, faster / slower ( depends on the content you show )

  • Take music but do not only insert it, try to cut scenes on louder parts of the sounds.
    maybe people do not recognize it actively, but it is something that bringst more action into your movies.

You can see my channel here


Let me know if you need help, you can write me on Twitter or Facebook! :slight_smile:

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Hey Alex, now I know where you found me,

i think I should come to NĂĽrnberg you are LvL 5 already nice! When the road conditions are better i come for a weekend!

Yeah of Course my Channel is a little crap but it’s cool to improve from zero to hero!

iMovie on Phone is easyier than on Laptop,

i have zero experience I just started because otherwise I will wait till end of live if everything is perfect!

For our Challenge I have a nice Idea, your Video with the Container Food,… inspired.

For example we could meet in a Village we both don’t know and catch all Pfandflaschen after finishing we check where we can go for a meal with this Money? I saw a video in Dortmund from 2 guys they got over 100€ from the Pfand! Can we beat them?

this Video Material i think will also be great for our Local Guide Community Right?

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Hello Patrick

My name is Thierry Maetz, I am French, living in Switzerland since 1989, aged 54 and also a new local guide now Level 5.

Today I was in the restaurant Au Boeuf, in Plobsheim where I came across your review. To be very honest it sounds strange, especially compared to the great feedback you are usually giving. Is this really from you or has your account been hacked…?

Basically I am interested to follow your Youtube channel.



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Hi Thierry,

no nothing hacked, i really like it there,

when i was there it was good, i test a lot in Alsace and i try always to write review,

if it’s good and sympatic i give 5 if something is i don’t know but it’s good i give 5 and when i don’t like something i begin with 3 or less stars! Next time when you come here, we have to meet at pizzaria mafalda i will pay the Pizza. I swear it’s the best pizza!

If if you want I can visit you in Schwitzerland and you show me what you like?

Best at Greez my Friend Patrick

Hi Patrick

I’d love to meet you in Strasbourg!

My Skype is cheffounet2. Could we set up a session?

