Local Guide Treffen in Thun Schweiz

Guten Tag,

wer hätte mal Lust sich zu treffen in Thun oder auch Bern!?

Bitte um Infos!

Danke im Voraus!!

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Hi @Thom
Welcome to Google connect and maps.
This is the world local guide family.

Read this post to check if there’s a community in your area https://www.localguidesconnect.com/t5/Help-Desk/Tip-How-do-I-search-the-Connect-Community/m-p/328268#M80
Before starting this passionate adventure, I advise you to read the 5 core values of connect Introduce yourself to the community Here
for a good understanding of the program read this Link for maps and Using local guide connect to get an easy way to understand connect.
See you