Local Guide Program means to me: Trust and Teamwork

I discovered the local guide program 3 years ago, because I notice a neighborhood missing in the map. and I started wondering: Why is it missing? Why isn’t anybody caring about the missing neighborhood? who is responsible to keep the map updated? while trying to find answers to these questions, I discovered the Google map maker. so I though: “Hey! I can help Google to fill those blank spots!!!” And that’s how all started.

Shortly after that, map maker was disabled and Google map Local Guide was born, and my career as local Guide too!!!.

When I started contributing, I notice how some of the suggestions would be applied immediately, and some others after a short revision. So I began to think about how Google trusts such an important information to normal people like me.

The more I contributed, the faster the edit would get approved. I also started to receive emails from Google saying how my contributions were helping people. My photos, comments, rates, information about businesses and more were being viewed by many and were having an impact in their lives!!

Local Guides program means trust to me because I understood that Google is trusting us not just a simple map edit, is trusting us an entire network of information. Information that many people around the world is also trusting to take important decisions about where to go, eat, buy, hangout and more.

Local Guides Program also means teamwork. The first contributions I made were missing streets. and as I saw the street appearing in Google maps, I also saw places appearing too!!! places that I didn’t suggest. Stores, schools, parks, restaurants and Churches were popping up in the streets I edited before.

It was exciting to see people being motivated to become local guides and contributing with information that I wasn’t aware of. For sure I couldn’t do it all myself!

I have also experienced the team work through the Local Guides Community. I’ve seen other local guides achieving goals, and they’ve supported me and helped me to make contributions of higher quality.

Thank you Google! for letting us build up trust all around the world. :grin:


Very inspiring post! For the longest time I wondered what being a local guide means, I kept getting emails after reviewing places I’ve been, and wondered what was happening as I have moved up the guide rank, and until recently I didn’t understand that it is exactly what you mention, you are eating googles trust in you as a guide to contribute useful information to the community :slightly_smiling_face:

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