Google Maps is part of my life now. I first started using it six years back. Back then, I just used it to navigate. I don´t know if the Local Guide program was in action back then or no but I was not at all aware of it. I discovered it some time later but having no idea what it is. I read a few articles about the program on Google. I understood how I can help people around the world with a few taps on my device
. I always love helping people around me. It gives me a sense of happiness. Of course I knew Google was not going to pay me for that, but I never knew I would get nominated for Connect Live some day.
The first review I gave was in the year 2016 which received 17 views, first photo I uploaded in 2017 with 13 views and first edit in 2018 . Back then I didn’t even know that I could check how many people are being benefited by my contribution, I just used to regularly upload photos I clicked. Today, the highest views of my photos on Maps are 12,941 and 1,817 on my review
. It makes me feel very proud that I have helped so many people around me
. It has completely changed my life. As and when I encounter a new place I start looking around and noticing every tiny detail just to update it on Google Maps. I click more photos of the place I am in than my companions or me keeping in mind I have to upload it on Google maps. I am glad to tell I have helpedmore than 100,000 people with my photos and 1,000 with my reviews
I have connected with many different local guides through this platform
. Businesses thank me personally for writing a review for them on Maps which gives immense pleasure. Only this kind of response to my contributions keeps me motivated
. It has changed my life in such a way that I am addicted to Maps just like social media. I believe Google Maps is more powerful than any other social media out there.
I am grateful to Maps for providing a platform to showcase and enhance my photography and writing skills. My mission is not to become a great Local Guide but to help as many people as possible with my contributions. I love you Google Maps .