Hi, Would like to know, are there any local guide Meetup happening in Chennai. Thanks in advance
Hi @ChandraS_3 , feel free to check out our meet-up site anytime for meet-ups near you.
Currently, it doesn’t look like there are any in Chennai. But you are more than welcome to organise one! I have seen many community members from Chennai who want to come together. To find and gather fellow Local Guides from your area, try searching the community for mentions of your “Chennai” to find posts that have that name in the title, body of the post, or the location tag. Feel free to jump into these conversations, engage with the Local Guides near you, and plan a meet-up. You should definitely check out How to Organize a Local Guides Meet-Up for tips and step-by-step guidance.
As you are new here, I recommend reading this post for tips and best practices when using Connect.
HI, This is Sreedhar from chennai and am also interested in meet up.
I am also looking forward to any local guide meetups that are going to happen in Chennai. If any one with news please do let me know as well
@chandras wrote:
Hi, Would like to know, are there any local guide Meetup happening in Chennai. Thanks in advance
I wish to join with you all.
Hi @ChandraS_3 … @VairamuthuC … @nikhilc … @SS_1 …
I am from Vellore Local Guides Community… If you are interested in Meet up, you can join in our Vellore Local Guides community and can participate in Meet up in Vellore… Till now, we have conducted two meet ups in Vellore… You can join in our community by below link and can attend in our meet ups…
Thank you…
Hi @SalmaanN , don’t forget to submit your meet-ups to our meet-up site as well!
Hi @JeslynL …
Thanks for reminding me… I am sure not gonna forget to submit meet ups…
Hey everyone - I have submitted plan for Meetup in Chennai. Once it gets approved I shall post the link here. Who all are interested in joining in for the meetup here?
Here you go team - https://www.localguidesconnect.com/t5/Let-s-Meet-Up/Egmore-Chennai-Photo-Meetup/m-p/187833 - Who else is interested in joining in?
Join this group I am organising a meet-up
Join this group , I have plan of organising a local gudie meet-up. In Chennai
Join this group we will do it in coming long weekend.
April 15 and 16 any we will organise the meet
Hi @vikramgiri …
I requested to join to the community…
I am Thiagaraja from Chennai. I am a google local guide. Like to connect with other Google Local Guides.
I am from Chennai, I am also looking for the same
Good news for the Chennai Local Guide, we have upcoming LG meetup event on 28/04/18.
Plz register in the attendance about your participation.
Meeting place : Koyambedu metro station
Date : 28/04/18
Time : 8:30
Let’s explore metro stations, live routes, timing, etc. Also let’s have the time of fellowship, learning from each other’s experience. Hope to have lots of fun.
With regards,
John Peter
@ChandraS_3 , @TTRaja , @RathinaKumar , @vikramgiri , @SalmaanN
Hi @JohnPeter …
I feel so glad to see you conducting a meetup in Chennai. Providing free hats for first 5 attendees is just great and your efforts for Local Guides Program is amazing. I am now in training in my job in Bengaluru. Sorry that I could not be able to join this time. I hope I will meet you soon next time… :))