We shall meetup at Ekteswar, Bankura (near to Ekteswar Bridge on Darakeswar River). There is a seating accommodation for 20 people for general discussion & introduction to each others and discussion on problems what we face for map editing etc. For conveyance from Bankura Raliway station it is only 3 to 4 km . Up & Dn auto rickshaw fair is Rupees 50.00 and other snacks & soft drinks expenditure will be note more that Rupee 200.00 per head only. No other cost.
We shall meetup at Ekteswar, Bankura (near to Ekteswar Bridge on Darakeswar River). There is a seating accommodation for 20 people for general discussion & introduction to each others and discussion on problems what we face for map editing etc. For conveyance from Bankura Raliway station it is only 3 to 4 km . Up & Dn auto rickshaw fair is Rupees 50.00 and other snacks & soft drinks expenditure will be note more that Rupee 200.00 per head only. No other cost.
We shall meetup at Ekteswar, Bankura (near to Ekteswar Bridge on Darakeswar River). There is a seating accommodation for 20 people for general discussion & introduction to each others and discussion on problems what we face for map editing etc. For conveyance from Bankura Raliway station it is only 3 to 4 km . Up & Dn auto rickshaw fair is Rupees 50.00 and other snacks & soft drinks expenditure will be note more that Rupee 200.00 per head only. No other cost.
We shall meetup at Ekteswar, Bankura (near to Ekteswar Bridge on Darakeswar River). There is a seating accommodation for 20 people for general discussion & introduction to each others and discussion on problems what we face for map editing etc. For conveyance from Bankura Raliway station it is only 3 to 4 km . Up & Dn auto rickshaw fair is Rupees 50.00 and other snacks & soft drinks expenditure will be note more that Rupee 200.00 per head only. No other cost.
We shall meetup at Ekteswar, Bankura (near to Ekteswar Bridge on Darakeswar River). There is a seating accommodation for 20 people for general discussion & introduction to each others and discussion on problems what we face for map editing etc. For conveyance from Bankura Raliway station it is only 3 to 4 km . Up & Dn auto rickshaw fair is Rupees 50.00 and other snacks & soft drinks expenditure will be note more that Rupee 200.00 per head only. No other cost.