hai local guide kediri, adakah komunitas untuk wadah kumpul2 para local guide kota kediri…share info donk
Thanks for reaching out @Ary_A . I just moved your post here in the “Let’s Meet-Up” board as it is the best place to introduce yourself to your fellow Local Guides and share ideas/dates for meet-ups. Please have a look here to read some great tips on how to organise a meet-up. I recommend also to read this great post and explore our meet-up platform to discover any meet-ups close to your local area.
- To create your own meet-up, click here: https://goo.gl/1seqac.
Looking forward for your submission and good luck!
Many thanks.
Hi… All.,
Kayaknya blm ada. Sharing aja dulu kalo dah banyak nanti bikin gathering
salam kenal mas ary dan kawan" semua
saya niko dari kediri local guides
mari adain meetup mas
untuk mempermudah komunikasi kami ada grub wa
pengen juga ketemui ama senior…