Local Guide, Just a Few of my Favorite Things

As a local guide, the most interesting, and personal favorite thing to do, is post dramatic pictures at places I have never been. One thing I personally feel that goggle reviews lack are quality pictures. I like to post only the pictures I would personally share on my own social media. Too often the pictures that people take and share are the same pictures you have seen over and over. I look for the unique perspective, pictures that you traditionally wouldn’t see, pictures I would post on my own social media, and post them to the locations visited. I also fill in the do’s and dont’s at the various locations. I like to read reviews of what people would recommend you to do at that place, so I try to leave a little bit of feedback for those that come after me.


Hi @MrDunlop

Are you applying for Connect Live 2020 with this post? If so, as part of the requirement, you need to write the post under Local Stories topic.

Check out this How to write a great connect live post for more information

you can edit your post/message. Click that three dots and select “Edit Message” as shown in below screenshot.

Once in edit mode, select local stories as Topic. You can only select one topic.

Thank you sir! @sparekh

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