Local Guide is Help you!

Notifications from Gmail made me join a local guide, I uploaded a travel photo and answered a few questions when I wanted to do it.

In the end I uploaded a lot of photos and answered quite a lot of questions given from local guides and that made my local guide level increase.

and what impressed me was when I got a 50% stay voucher, and a 20% train voucher. This local guide also helps to find something that is difficult to find such as a newly opened restaurant, the latest tourist attractions or something else. Regardless of this, the local guides helped me a lot when I did research in one place far from the settlement, I found many relics. From kris, ceramics and graves.

From the research that I did, I was able to share photos of the research results, I could help people find historical places from the results of research and my friends.


Hello @xolovelovely12 ,

Thank you for sharing with us, as I can see your post looks like you are writing to share a post related to the Connect Live Application.

For that reason, I am going to move it to the Local Stories topic because this is one of our selection criteria.

In addition to that, you can find everything you need to know about writing a post for Connect Live 2019 here.