Local Guide - Giving and receiving in return

I am a Psychologist, I work in two schools, at a university and in my own office. When working with young people I always try to bring them a reflection on how much helping others means helping oneself, as this action brings a benefit to society.

Google’s Local Guides service makes it possible for you, through your cell phone in the palm of your hand, to help others find the location and experience they are looking for within their needs. The most interesting thing is that the more reviews are posted, it means more people helping and being helped, in a cycle, as in the film Pay It Forward (2000).

Thus, commenting on places that offer accessibility, small shops that have great service or accessible, but little known tourist spots are a great start to activity to improve the lives of people that are close or unknown, is a great exercise in altruism.

One of my first evaluations was about the company Seicon, which is small, but administers cards in several cities in Brazil. Shortly after I performed the assessment, I received a notification on the cell phone from someone asking questions about the company. The person had lost the card and did not know what to do. I responded by giving her company contact information and other tips that could help her. Have you ever imagined yourself with your card lost, not knowing what to do and afraid of someone using it? I haven’t met the person until today, and I don’t even need to, the feeling of having helped someone in need is enough.