Local guide from Jaipur

Any local guide from Jaipur?


Yes @cicerone_Asoni

@nareshprajapat @rahul and many other local guides here from Jaipur.


I send you a private msg


If you are interested you can ping me to add my what’s app group for all the local guide from Jaipur area…

Click on the below link to add yourself in what’s app “Local guide grp” for Jaipur location

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Hi @cicerone_Asoni

“Welcome to the only official online community forum for Local Guides: Connect. Connect is a place for members of the Local Guides program around the world to share their experiences and to connect with other Local Guides in a single place.”

This is the first of the information that you will find in “14 helpful tips for using Connect” - The post will give you a full and detailed introduction about The community

Do you have a doubt about how to do something? The Help desk is here for you,with a long list of post with detailed indications on how to post.

Which kind of contents we share in the community? What are Connect topics? will give you an explanation

Please note that, to keep connect organised, I have merged your posts with the same content.

As you posted on Meet-ups, I suggest you to read: How to organize a successful meet-up

It will help you to have fun with other Local Guides

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I am from Jodhpur Rajasthan
