I do not see my name on the local guide directory. What should I do to to get it on the directory? Please, can you assist?
Hi @Jereld , Welcome in Connect
“Welcome to Connect! If this is your first visit, you’ve come to the right place. This post will serve as a guide for everything you need to know about contributing content and engaging with the Local Guides community on Connect”. This is the first of the information that you will find in “Your guide to Connect” , the introductory Guide of the community. In there you will find all the necessary information to know how to better contribute in the community
Regarding your question: for everyone’s privacy, there is not a Local Guide directory. Can you please explain what you are looking for?
If you add more details, we will be happy to give you a more detailed answer
Also consider that there are more than 150 millions Local Guides in the world, it would be a pretty long list.
Normally, for more visibility, we use the “How Tos” label for post where we ask for assistance.
You can change the topic by yourselves, by simply making an edit in your post: Press the three blue dots on your post then click on “edit”. Edit your post - Why and How To will help you with the procedure
Hello @Jereld ,
Thank you for reaching out!
Please have a look at what @ErmesT replied to you and let us know if this is what you’ve meant by directory?
Meanwhile, I am going to move your post to the How-tos section, the place where Local Guides ask questions about Connect and Google Maps.
Hi, Morten. No, that is not the list. I was referring to the local guide Directory. It is available as an app at Google play.
Thanks for your response.
Hi, @Jereld
I believe that apps is not made by Google.
Maybe you could contact that apps developer.
Interesting. I have never seen such an app. Maybe you need to sign up somewhere.
It would be really helpful if you would use the tagging tool when replying to someone here on Connect. Type @ followed by the username. Type slowly. Then we get an e-mail notification and you are more likely to get a prompt reply.
I found and downloaded the app. I don’t know the author. In the app, you can read how to be included in the directory. You need to sign in using your Google account, set your city, and accept to be listed. That is it. I did it and hope this will not result in any spam or misuse of my account.
Is this the app? https://www.localguidesconnect.com/t5/General-Discussion/APP-Local-Guides-Directory/td-p/274766
Yes, @iorikun301
I recognize the name of the developer from the listing in the play store.
Yes it is, @iorikun301
I recognize the name of the developer from the listing in the play store.
Hi Morten, thanks for clearing that up. Cheers.
@MortenCopenhagen Hi, Morten. Thank you for the tip. Appreciated.
Well, I find incredible that people wants in some way to be listed, even if we are talking of 10000 people who voluntarily downloaded the App, compared with an amount of 150 million Local Guides @MortenCopenhagen , @iorikun301 , @Jereld , because that app is not representing the real world of the Local Guides, but indeed is a nice way to be in touch with others.
You can ask directly to the creator of the App: [APP] Local Guides Directory
Have a fun
Hello fellow LG @Jereld
Welcome to LG Connect - an exclusive global forum for the Google Maps Local Guides Community where you can communicate with fellow LGs, share tips, experience, ideas, and receive information from Googlers - for more details, click ‘Here’.
Hope to see new posts from you, please…
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