Local Guide App..

Is there any app for Local guide connect?

If there is no app, why cant it be created?

Last week while going for a long travel, I was thinking about it. If there is an app, then we can post stories even while travelling or even from the same location…



Unfortunately, not :blush: @SachinVijayan

Such an app has been in huge demand for several years now.

I have created a shortcut on my mobile home screen to the LG Connect website and it works almost like an app.

@NareshDarji can tell you more about this since he has been with LG Connect since Day 1


@SachinVijayan Just want to add to what Tushar has explained above - The idea of Local Guides Connect app was already brought up long time ago. In fact, I even created an idea post in the idea exchange board (which no longer exist) and it received a lot of support from other users. The team reviewed the idea and determined they will not pursue it, and the idea was closed.

Like what Tushar mentioned, you can open the Local Guides connect website on Chrome (maybe on other browsers too, but I only have Chrome on my phone) on your phone, tap the 3 dots on top right of the page, then tap ‘Install app’ > Install

Now you have an ‘app’ which is basically a web app, and you can find the icon in your phone’s page. This will be closest thing we’ll get to a native app.


Hello @SachinVijayan

Just to support what Tushar and Iyudhi already mentioned to you. That’s a long standing topic that maybe the team are not ready to take on yet for reasons bests known to them.

Nevertheless just have it marked on your homescreen as marked in the screenshot below. That’s the closest to an app you can get.

Keep active

Happy guiding



Thank you @TusharSuradkar @iyudhi @SholaIB for you reply and suggestions…

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