My friend whose local guide account @DANTE_1 has been suspended.He tried to talk to the local guide team at twitter and facebook several times but he failed. According to the guidelines, he can not create another new account.
He has read policies and guidelines several times and noticed that he has not violated any such policy and rules.
He is one of Delhi’s Top 1% Local Guides and has participated in connect live delhi 2018.
Please help him.
Hi @Vyakhyaedu ,
I recommend your friend to read this article Why was I removed from the Local Guides program?.
Please be careful of over tagging people as this might be considered harassment, please see our program rules and spam filters would catch your comment.
If you need moderation assistance from a moderator in the future, just make sure to tag one of the Google Moderators. Please avoid tagging people not mentioned in the above article.
Thanks brother @Vyakhyaedu for the help.
Account restored