Agora eu sou Local Guide 8, estou muito feliz por isso, sério!
Sigam meu perfil e curtam minhas postagens, ficarei contente com isso.
Agora eu sou Local Guide 8, estou muito feliz por isso, sério!
Sigam meu perfil e curtam minhas postagens, ficarei contente com isso.
Hi @andreileal , Welcome to connect, I hope you are good and congratulations for your local guide journey to level 8 and yes as you have introduced yourself in connect I also want to Introduce myself to you I am your lg friend Prince a level 7 local guide, there are many challenges running in local guide connect one of the famous challenge is #ExplorethemapsChallenge by our beloved connect moderator @NareshDarji latest one is spain challenge you can click here to participate
and I have also created a new challenge #SportsOnMapsChallenge you can participate in this challenge too
and I hope you will also do something creative and helpful in connect and hope you will have a great journey in connect too
your lg friend